Mexican Devotional and Colonial Art
EV-3: Mexican vintage devotional art, a retablo painted on tin depicting Santa Liberata on a cross, Mexico, c. 1940's. The painting is very well-done, and the figure of Santa Liberata is beautiful!
Santa Liberata is a Portugese saint. Her father, the king, demanded that she marry the king of Sicily, but Liberata had taken a vow of virginity. She prayed to God and miraculously grew a beard, at which point her Sicilian suitor abandoned his quest. Her father, in anger, had her crucified. She is the patroness of women with troublesome husbands or suiters. Condition of the retablo is very good given the age of the piece. Size: 10 inches high by 7 inches wide. Price: $325.
EU-5: Guatemalan and Mexican vintage devotional art. a beautiful wood and glass nicho, Guatemala or Mexico, c. 1930's. The nicho has three panels of glass and opens from the front. It is painted a rich red with silver highlights. It is in fine condition. Size: 21 inches high by
9 1/2 inches deep, side panels not included. Side doors are 5 1/2 inches wide.
SOLD. Thank you!
EU-6: Mexican vintage devotional art, a beautiful wood-carved statue of the Immaculate Conception, c. 1930's or earlier. The statue is very possibly an indigenous Tarascan work from Michoacan, given the designs on the cloak.
The Madonna has real hair. The piece is 17 1/2 inches high not including the carved stand by 10 1/2 inches wide at the widest part, by 3 1/16 inches deep (front to back). Including the stand the piece is 22 inches high. Condition is good, given the age of the piece. There is evidence of old beetle activity which has been stabilized. Madonna is quite uniqe and lovely as a primitive carving. Price: $475.
ET-3: Mexican vintage devotional art, a beautiful Mexican or Guatemalan wooden nicho, c. 1930. The wood and glass nicho is stunning. We are unsure regarding the age of the wallpaper lining the inside of the nicho. Condition is very good considering the age of the piece. Size: 13 1/2 inches high by 11 3/4 inches wide by 4 1/2 inches deep (front to back). Price: $195.
ET-9: Mexican vintage devotional art, a retablo painted on tin depicting St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus, Jesuits, c. 1930's. The Jesuits are known for their work in education, and they founded several schools and universities throughout Mexico. Condition of the retablo is very good. Size: The tin retablo inside the frame measures 5 inches high by 4 1/4 inches wide.
SOLD. Thank you!
ES-2: Mexican and Guatemalan vintage devotional art, a beautiful woodcarved image of Nuestro Senor de Esquipulas, Guatemala, c. 1940's. The figure of the Crucified Christ is beautifully carved and has a resplendor of tin on his head. This is exquisite Guatemalan vintage devotional art! Condition is very good. Size: 12 1/2 inches high by 8 inches wide, at the widest part, by 1 3/4 inches deep (front to back).
SOLD. Thank you!
EO-6: Mexican devotional art, a woodcarving of St. Francis of Assisi, beautifully carved and covered with beautiful milagros front and back, Michoacan, c. 1950's. The figure of St. Francis is wonderfully serene and beautiful.
Condition is very good. Size: 12 1/2 inches high by 3 inches wide, at the widest part. Price: $375.
EM-8: Mexican vintage devotional art, a beautiful woodcarving depicting Our Lady of Guadalupe, Michoacan, c. 1950. The carving is beautifully done! Condition is very good. Size: 13 1/2 inches high by
4 1/2 inches wide by 2 3/4 inches deep (front to back). Price: $250.
EK-3: Mexican vintage devotional art, a wonderful retablo depicting Our Lady of Guadalupe, painted on tin, Mexico, c. 1930's. The images of Our Lady and the angel are beautiful and serene. Condition is very good, especially given the age of the retablo. Size: 10 1/16 inches high by 7 inches wide.
SOLD. Thank you!
EI-7: Mexican vintage devotional art, a beautiful retablo painted on tin depicting the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the power of God, Mexico, c. 1920. At the top are St. Ann, mother of Mary, the Virgin Mary, the Christ Child, St. Joseph, and St. Joachim, the father of Mary. At the bottom left are images of the Passion of Christ.
The retablo is beautifully painted; this is a unique piece of Mexican devotional art. Condition is very good, especially given the age of the piece. Size:
13 3/4 inches high by 9 1/2 inches wide.
SOLD. Thank you!
ED-2: Mexican vintage devotional art, and vintage Mexican fine art, a beautiful oil painting of the Immaculate Conception, c. 1900. The image of Our Lady is extremely beautiful and serene.
Condition is good, given the age of this piece; there is some minor restoration near the bottom of the painting. Size: including the hand-carved frame, the piece is 20 inches high by 15 1/4 inches wide. Price: $900.
EA-4: Mexican vintage devotional art and folk art, three beautifully carved wooden figures of the Three Kings or Wise Men, decorated with gesso and gold leaf, Mexico City, c. 1940's. The Kings come bearing gifts for the newborn Christ Child, gold, frankincense, and myrrh; gold as a symbol of kingship on earth, frankincense as a symbol of deity, and myrrh (an oil used in embalming) a symbol of death. The arrival of the Three Kings is widely celebrated in Mexico as an integral part of Christmas. The carvings are in very good condition. Size: each is 30 1/2 inches high by 8 1/4 inches wide, at the widest part. Price: $375 for the set.
DY-4: Mexican vintage devotional art, a retablo painted on tin depicting San Rafael the Archangel, Mexico, c. 1900. The retablo is beautifully painted. San Rafael is shown standing and holding a fish, which alludes to his healing of Tobias in the Old Testament using gall from a fish. He is said to guard pilgrims on their journeys, and he is regarded as the angel who carries God's healing. The retablo is in good condition, given the age of the piece. Size: 11 1/16 inches high by 8 inches wide.
SOLD. Thank you!
DW-4: Mexican vintage devotional art, a beautiful retablo painted on tin, depicting the Holy Family, c. 19th century. The retablo is mounted in a lovey hand-carved wooden frame. Condition is good, given the age of the piece; there are minor areas of paint-loss and rusting, which is very normal for retablos of this period. Size: 14 inches high by 10 inches wide, without the frame. In the frame the piece is 16 inches high by 12 inches wide. Price: $399.
DN-5: Mexican vintage folk art, a pottery bottle representing Our Lady of Guadalupe, Tonala or San Pedro Tlaquepaque, c. 1930's. The piece is beautifully formed, and colors are bright and wonderful. These pottery bottles were used to transport Holy Water to people's homes. Condition is very good. Size: 12 1/2 inches high by 3 3/4 inches wide by 3 1/4 inches deep (front to back). Price: $450.
CU-6: Mexican and New Mexican vintage devotional art, a New Mexican tin retablo painted with the images of St. Joseph and the Child Jesus, New Mexico, c. 1930's. The figures of St. Joseph and the Child are beautifully painted and very loving and serene. It was painted by a New Mexican WPA artist early in the Great Depression. Condition is very good. Size: 11 1/16 inches high by 7 1/4 inches wide. Price: $725.
CP-12: Andean vintage devotional art, and Andean vintage sterling silver jewelry, a beautiful relicario with the small retablo beautifully painted on tin, with a lovely hand-made sterling silver chain, c. 1920's. The relicario depicts images of the Virgin Mary and Child Jesus, painted on both sides. The first image is that of the Virgen de Copacabana, Bolivia. This is truly a treasure of Andean devotional art! Condition is very good, given the age of relicario itself. Size: the relicario is 4 3/4 inches high by 2 3/4 inches wide. The silver chain is 23 inches long. Price: $2800.
CK-14: Mexican vintage pottery and ceramics, a lovely pottery bottle depicting Our Lady of Guadalupe, Tonala or San Pedro Tlaquepaque, c. 1940's. The Holy Water bottle is extremely well-formed and decorated. The figure is very graceful and stunningly beautiful! Condition is very good. Size: 13 1/2 inches high by 4 inches wide by 3 1/2 inches deep (front to back, including the handle). Price: $750.
CD-4: Mexican colonial devotional art, and Mexican tinwork art and retablos, a stunning retablo depicting Saint Anthony and the Child Jesus, painted on copper and in a handmade wooden frame, Mexico, c. 18th-early 19th century. The artwork is masterful, and the faces of St. Anthony and the Child are beautiful and serene! The woodwork of the handmade frame is wonderful; it could be original to the age of the retablo, or perhaps it was made to house the retablo sometime later. This is a treasure of Mexican colonial art, and certainly by a master. Condition is excellent. Size: 15 1/2 inches wide by 17 inches high, including the frame. The retablo itself is 6 3/4 inches wide by 9 inches high. Price: $1800.
BH-5: Mexican vintage folk art, and Mexican vintage devotional art, a beautiful and brightly decorated pottery nativity set, Metepec, c. 1940's. The pottery set is in the traditional style of Metepec, outside of Mexico City. This is great folk/devotional art! Condition is good, given the age of the set. Size: The adult figures measure c. 6 inches high by 3 inches wide. Price: $225.
AF-6: Mexican vintage pottery and ceramics, and Mexican vintage devotional art, a beautiful pottery image of Our Lady (probably Nuestra Senora de Zapopan, which is just outside of Guadalajara), Tlaquepaque or Tonala, Jalisco, c. 1930-40's. The work is beautifully crafted, and the glaze and artwork are wonderful! Condition is very good. Size: 12 inches high by 9 3/4 inches wide (at the widest part) by approximately 3 1/2 inches deep (front to back). Price: $875.