The Finest in Mexican and Native American Arts
and Antiques


Pocas Cosas

Pocas Cosas specializes in the finest Mexican and Native American Indian arts and antiques. Please, visit our Gallery below!


Native American antique Indian basket, washo basket with stars around sides, c. 1910.Closeup of Tlaquepaque turkey casseroleCloseup of Tlaquepaque tile with deer


Gallery Directory

Please, come visit the Pocas Cosas Gallery. Click to visit any of the rooms listed below.

Mexican Arts and Antiques

Native American Indian Arts and Antiques


Please, contact us with any questions, or if there is something specific you are searching for. We are always looking for and finding new items.



Please, don't forget to visit our BLOG for pictures and news about Pocas Cosas and our many shows and events!



Compare your own financial investments over the past ten years to investments in pieces of Native American Indian and Mexican art and antiques!



Native American antique textile, Navajo rug, c. 1930.Mexican vintage pottery, Tonala charger with exotic bird, c. 1920.Mexican vintage textile, Saltillo sarape with lime green and very intricate center diamond, c. 1915.